Monday, July 28, 2008

Inspiring Results

Thanks to everyone who participated in my survey after completing the first 30 days of The Stillness Experiment. I have some exciting results to share with you that will hopefully inspire you to continue the practice of stillness.

One hundred and eighty people participated in the survey. Of those, more than 80% are females who are 40 years of age or older. It would seem that stillness is more important to the baby boomer generation. - or perhaps that is just the market I reach.

I have summarized some of the results here along with a couple of bar graphs for those of you who are more visual; they are quite dramatic.

Many people just dabbled in the experiment .... trying it out a few times but not really keeping up with it. The interesting news is, that even when people just tried the One Minute Meditation (tm) a few times, over 40% experienced a significant increase in their peace of mind when they did it. That was an unexpected result.

Did the One Minute Meditation a Few Times Over 30 Days
Click on image to view larger

Click on image to view larger.

And,it should come as no surprise that when people did the One Minute Meditation (tm) more often (3-5 times/a day), the results were significantly better. Nearly 90% experienced greater peace. Also more people saw significant improvement in their ability to deal with stress better, be in the flow more and access their intuition and creativity and connect with their higher source.

I should note that of the people who did the One Minute Meditation (tm) 3-5 times/day, 70% of them also did the 5 minute meditation 2-4 times/week. But let's add that up, a 5 minute meditation plus 3-5 one minute meditations per day is no more than 10 minutes a day throughout your day spent meditating. Ten minutes a day can and often does result in significant improvement in peace of mind.

Did the One Minute Meditation(tm) 3-5 times/day
(70% also did 5 min. meditation 2-4 times/week)
Click on image to view larger

Click on image to view larger.

So, does that you to do these short meditations more. Whether they be your meditations or mine?

What is the ability to handle stress and peace of mind worth to you? Is it worth 10 minutes/day?

Stay tuned for some inspiring comments from those who completed the first 30 days of the Stillness Experiment.

In the meantime take one minute to be still right now.

And let us know how you are doing.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Back in the Saddle

I have been away on vacation for the past week. I fully admit that I took time off from the formal stillness experiment while I was gone. I was celebrating a friend's 60th birthday and then added on time to spend in the mountains of North Carolina.

The location where we stayed is at the end of a road and hugged by the mountains. Talk about stillness. It is awesome.

When I would take time to be with the mountains and the peace, the feeling was very much the same as when I take time to be still inside myself. Sure the scenery was different :) But the feeling is similar.

The thing is you can't carry the mountains around with you but you can take a moment to be still anywhere. It was a great reminder.

Take a moment now to be still. If you have fallen off the saddle, there is no time like the present to get back on.

While I was gone, a couple of people mentioned getting dizzy when doing the eye scan. If that is your experience, I recommend trying 2 things: 1) drink a class of water first 2) try doing the eye scan at a slower pace and see if that helps.

Let us know how you are doing and what support you need.


Welcome to the Stillness Experiment

Welcome to all who would like more stillness, peace and joy in their life.

I started this experiment for a variety of reasons. the main reason is that I personally need more structure to remind me to be quiet. And I wanted to structure to be easy to use and not take a lot of time.

I've been a student of stillness for a long time and know its benefits. And yet somehow, I still manage to get out of the habit. I will think I haven't mastered it and don't need to practice any more. But that is only my ego fooling me.

I also started this experiment because I am curious about what would be available if many people around the world were practicing stillness at the same time and for an extended period of time, such as 30 days.

You see when you are still, you are not in resistance. And when we are not in resistance with ourselves or others, what is possible in our lives and in their lives.? And even in the lives of those who do not participate because our energy is connected to others energy.

I had many reasons not to start this experiment. The biggest of which is that I have a shoulder injury/torn rotator cuff. It is very painful at times and is interfering with my sleep. So I thought to myself, how can I possibly be quiet when I am having this much pain?

And then I awakened and remembered that being still is probably the best thing I could do for myself right now. And as I re-engaged in my stillness exercises, I found I was much better able to be with my injury and indeed the pain lessened.

I imagine you have reasons to why this might not be the best time for you to be still or participate in this experiment. I encourage you to think of those reasons, as the very reason for you to participate right now. There is never a great time to do this according to our ego.

There will never be a time; a time when we have nothing going on in our lives. Stillness does not take away from what is going on in your life. Rather, it enhances your life.

You may have a concern about whether you will be able to do this regularl y---to set aside time and to remember to be quiet. for one minute every hour. I encourage you to let go of that concern. You will do what ever you do, and it will be just perfect. Haves the intent to learn from what ever you do and don't do an experiment. I don't know that I will remember or take the time to do it every hour. Even know that if my commitment. And I will notice what comes up to get in my way both inside of me and outside of me. And it will all be very interesting.

I look forward to being on this journey with you. The more the merrier. So please invite your friends to play with us. They can sign up at

