Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bringing Your Energy Out

During the longer 5 minute meditation which is included in the Stillness Experiment, I suggest that you bring your energy out. Over time, I have had a number of people ask me what I mean by this.

When I say bring your energy out, simply imagine it – if you are good at visualizing you can visualize it filling up your body and seeping out the pores of you skin into the field 3 feet around you

Or if you are not so good at visualizing, like me, you can just sense it – imagine it is spreading out from the sides of your body – basically just use your imagination – energy is everywhere but we cannot see the tiny particles so you must use your imagination. Our mind impacts our energy all the time so when you imagine it you are actually impacting it.

To learn more and join the Stillness Experiment go here.


Angela Chen Shui, "The Soul Alignment Coach" said...

Excellent post, Stacey!

Each person that masters 'bringing the energy out' contributes to healing/balancing their own energy blocks and that of their immediate, national and global communities.

Thank You so much for Who You are Being, Stacey.


Stacey said...

Thanks Angela. I agree - as we heal ourselves, we heal the world.

nicole said...

The 5 minute exercise helps me to relax. I have experienced tingling..imagining the light flowing and spreading out. Today I'm physically tired and can feel my body more. It takes energy to be a silent watcher of the ego thoughts. Favorite technique: refocus on breathing ..enables me to let go and relax.
Thank You Stacey

Welcome to the Stillness Experiment

Welcome to all who would like more stillness, peace and joy in their life.

I started this experiment for a variety of reasons. the main reason is that I personally need more structure to remind me to be quiet. And I wanted to structure to be easy to use and not take a lot of time.

I've been a student of stillness for a long time and know its benefits. And yet somehow, I still manage to get out of the habit. I will think I haven't mastered it and don't need to practice any more. But that is only my ego fooling me.

I also started this experiment because I am curious about what would be available if many people around the world were practicing stillness at the same time and for an extended period of time, such as 30 days.

You see when you are still, you are not in resistance. And when we are not in resistance with ourselves or others, what is possible in our lives and in their lives.? And even in the lives of those who do not participate because our energy is connected to others energy.

I had many reasons not to start this experiment. The biggest of which is that I have a shoulder injury/torn rotator cuff. It is very painful at times and is interfering with my sleep. So I thought to myself, how can I possibly be quiet when I am having this much pain?

And then I awakened and remembered that being still is probably the best thing I could do for myself right now. And as I re-engaged in my stillness exercises, I found I was much better able to be with my injury and indeed the pain lessened.

I imagine you have reasons to why this might not be the best time for you to be still or participate in this experiment. I encourage you to think of those reasons, as the very reason for you to participate right now. There is never a great time to do this according to our ego.

There will never be a time; a time when we have nothing going on in our lives. Stillness does not take away from what is going on in your life. Rather, it enhances your life.

You may have a concern about whether you will be able to do this regularl y---to set aside time and to remember to be quiet. for one minute every hour. I encourage you to let go of that concern. You will do what ever you do, and it will be just perfect. Haves the intent to learn from what ever you do and don't do an experiment. I don't know that I will remember or take the time to do it every hour. Even know that if my commitment. And I will notice what comes up to get in my way both inside of me and outside of me. And it will all be very interesting.

I look forward to being on this journey with you. The more the merrier. So please invite your friends to play with us. They can sign up at

