Wednesday, June 11, 2008

over 700 people and growing

I am thrilled that over 700 people are now participating in the stillness experiment. I am also delighted at the responses I am hearing both on the blog and by e-mail, and in talking with people. It seems that the people who are doing the experiment are really loving it.

Personally I find that it gets easier and more pleasurable as I go along. There are still some times when I resist doing it, especially when I'm busy. But for the most part, I do it and the pleasure far outweighs having to take a minute out of my day.

I have also found that because my shoulder is out of alignment, that when I get adjusted, then of course my energy flows more, and I am able to go deeper into that place of stillness.

And I've been clearing some deep emotional stuff that was underneath my shoulder injury.
Of course, when I am confronted with this deeper emotional stuff, it is harder to get still but still helpful when I do it. And after I clear it, then it is oh so much easier.

So the meditations are great and helpful, and if you have emotional stuff or just resistance coming up, you may want to consider using some other tools in conjunction with the meditation.

Later on in the month we will be talking about taking a deeper dip into stillness so stay tuned for that.

In the mean time, I am curious about those of you who signed up that.I haven't heard from.
I am learning that some of you are just doing it at your own pace and not commenting, which is fine. Most of the comments I've gotten have been positive. So I am also wondering if there are those of you who having challenges who fear being vulnerable and sharing those challenges.

That is okay too and undestandable, but please know that if you are having challenges you are not alone. And be willing to look at what it is that get in the way, what your patterns are and be willing to be curious about what tools are available to help you on this journey.

I love Eckhart Tolle's books. And it sounds so simple when he talks about it but it is not always that simple. And many of you have said that these meditations are working very well for you in conjunction with reading his book. If you have not read A New Earth, I think you would find that very helpful.

Wishing you much peace and stillness,



Anonymous said...

This tech. challenged peson finally figured out how to post anonymously, lol!
I find when I do the meditations, I emerge refreshed and they are like a mini vacation, they restore tranquility. My focus is sharper and I think I am able to do the most important things at work and not stress over minutiae.
We had a few very "hot" days weather wise, and I found I did not lose my cool, even on a crowded bus with lots of irritated fellow passengers. Yes, I did the 1-minute meditation there, as well.

Anonymous said...

I started the meditations for the first time today, and I really love how strong and whole I feel after doing the short meditation. I think centered (the word you use Stacey) is a good word for it, because I feel completely balanced and stable (like mountain pose in yoga) after doing it. I had a hard time staying focused on stillness and breathing for the longer one, but nothing some practice and better timing (when significant other isn't home to laugh at me) can't cure.

sharon said...

I am recommitting to doing the meditations daily; my first week was really weak. One of my diagonisis is Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and my intent is to use the meditations to decrease my anxiety.
I have set a timer today, and I am going to do the 1 min. meditation consistantly. I am able to relax during the meditations, but as soon as I open my eyes, bam! it's back. Going with consistancy will emable me to stay in the relaxed mode longer. That is my intent. Stacy, Thank you for this tool.

Anonymous said...

I have been doing the meditations for about a week, but as I was recovering from surgery i couldn't sit at the computer to post until now. I am doing The Stillness Experiment along with the Life Transformation Tools & More Coaching program and am amazed at all the "stuff" that has been coming up. I find doing the stillness meditation immediately before doing the "clearing concerns" exercise helpful in getting me completely still so that I can get quiet enough to hear what is coming up. I had alot more hidden issues than I knew, and although some of it has been emotionally difficult, I find myself excited each morning at the prospect of clearing and uncovering more layers. I also find that I'm just overall more calm, centered and better able to cope with whatever comes my way when I'm doing the stillness meditations on a regular basis. Last week the stillness meditations helped greatly with relaxing me and helping me deal with the pain from my surgery. It's been interesting to read everyone else's results and experiences with this program.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to share this when I posted earlier. One of the biggest wins that I've experienced in The Stillness Experience and The Life Transformation program is a release of creativity. For the past 6 - 8 weeks I've been writing copy for my soon-to-be business website, and I had really dead-ended with it. I had strong ideas about what I wanted to include, but was finding it difficult to express. I was having trouble finding a start for certain topics, and trouble finishing others. I was about to give up. But with becoming still and clearing some of the junk (I know I've still got alot more clearing to do) I found today that the writing just began to flow. I even managed to write a complete article on consistency in about 20 minutes. And it was a very thorough piece, which just proved to me that all the knowledge, everything I needed was already within me, I just need to clear a channel to allow it to surface. Anyway, I thought that was a really cool win, and had to share ;o)

Jayne said...

I have decided to kind of make experiment 'my own,' at least in the sense of just how I'm going about the practice of being still.

I've already posted about it on my blog.

Being Still

Joan said...

With the morning meditation, I am noticing differences from day to day with how the energy feels inside the body and outside the body. This is after I follow the instruction to allow the energy to move out to the sides of the body. I just find it interesting how this varies from day to day.

Jayne said... are very welcome to share my altered plan with others. If it can help another type A personailty like it has me, then I feel doubly-blessed by my own difficulties.

Anonymous said...

This has been a quite challenging week work and family-wise but I'm really "none the worse for wear" and it surprises me that it hasn't been too difficult to be quite regular about doing the longer meditation in the AM's - what a great way to set the tone for the day! After a couple attempts, I found the suggested longer clearing wasn't working for me so I started using the 10 minute meditations from Stacey's "Meditations for Attracting Abundance" and really enjoying the effect. I love the One Minute Meditation and find it amazingly effective at releasing any tension, anxiety or frustration and making me feel more calm, energetic, positive and focussed in general. Not to sound to "out there", but I'm wondering if the fact that so many of us doing them everyday creates a certain energy that enables these one minute meditations to be more effective than if we were on our own?!? From my readings on energy and Infinite Intelligence and my Faith, I think the answer is "yes". I find that if I'm able to do the longer meditation first, that I feel calmer and my mind feels more open to the most positive of thoughts and experiences. The one minute meditations easily clear up any disturbances that may arise and help me stay focussed and moving along in a positive direction.

Anonymous said...

I find doing the long exercise works better for me. But time isn't always perfect, so I at least do it when I wake up to go to work and when I lay down before sleep. At work, just closing the eyes and looking for the peripheral spots and a few deep breaths make it possible to handle the frustrations. Once in a while I get in some longer short silence periods also. Thankyou for this experiment to being calmer. I needed an excuse to slow down and breath just for me. Sometimes this feels like the only time for just me.
At least with anonymous I am also able to send a message.

Welcome to the Stillness Experiment

Welcome to all who would like more stillness, peace and joy in their life.

I started this experiment for a variety of reasons. the main reason is that I personally need more structure to remind me to be quiet. And I wanted to structure to be easy to use and not take a lot of time.

I've been a student of stillness for a long time and know its benefits. And yet somehow, I still manage to get out of the habit. I will think I haven't mastered it and don't need to practice any more. But that is only my ego fooling me.

I also started this experiment because I am curious about what would be available if many people around the world were practicing stillness at the same time and for an extended period of time, such as 30 days.

You see when you are still, you are not in resistance. And when we are not in resistance with ourselves or others, what is possible in our lives and in their lives.? And even in the lives of those who do not participate because our energy is connected to others energy.

I had many reasons not to start this experiment. The biggest of which is that I have a shoulder injury/torn rotator cuff. It is very painful at times and is interfering with my sleep. So I thought to myself, how can I possibly be quiet when I am having this much pain?

And then I awakened and remembered that being still is probably the best thing I could do for myself right now. And as I re-engaged in my stillness exercises, I found I was much better able to be with my injury and indeed the pain lessened.

I imagine you have reasons to why this might not be the best time for you to be still or participate in this experiment. I encourage you to think of those reasons, as the very reason for you to participate right now. There is never a great time to do this according to our ego.

There will never be a time; a time when we have nothing going on in our lives. Stillness does not take away from what is going on in your life. Rather, it enhances your life.

You may have a concern about whether you will be able to do this regularl y---to set aside time and to remember to be quiet. for one minute every hour. I encourage you to let go of that concern. You will do what ever you do, and it will be just perfect. Haves the intent to learn from what ever you do and don't do an experiment. I don't know that I will remember or take the time to do it every hour. Even know that if my commitment. And I will notice what comes up to get in my way both inside of me and outside of me. And it will all be very interesting.

I look forward to being on this journey with you. The more the merrier. So please invite your friends to play with us. They can sign up at

